How to buy

Here's how to complete your order in our online store. If you have any questions, we will help you to complete the process by contacting us through our email or by calling 936671631.

  1. Add to shopping cart the products you want to buy. You can either buy or continue shopping.
  2. Fill in your details. If you have already registered before, access your account to fill in the fields automatically. If you have Apple Pay or PayPal it will speed the process as your data will be imported by choosing one of the two options. 
  3. Select a shipping method. If you are from Barcelona you can choose the option "Pick up in store" and we will prepare your order so that you come to pick it up in our store.
  4. Select the payment method with which you prefer to pay your order. If you have a gift card or a discount coupon, enter it in the "Discount" field.